Fyles’ Features

kyle from st helens Brother Bernard Fyles is a retired headmaster with a background in classics and modern
languages-from poems to short stories, see the links below…”I have always dabbled in writing for my own amusement and for the benefit of the children at school. I have been fortunate enough to get some of my work published in various magazines and anthologies over the years. I started writing  really to try to
provide models of short stories, essays and poems for the children I was teaching and I became fascinated by the challenge of putting words on paper in the hope that someone else would find them interesting”.

I joined the St Helens Circle several years ago and I’ve had a great time
since. I hope my fellow Catenians will enjoy my contribution to the
website. Click the links below to read Bernard’s contributions:

The Road to Jericho

The Power of Preaching

One Night in Italy

Confidential from Calvary

A Christmas Story

Star Led

8 O’clock Mass- a short story


St Helens Circle No 21 – Whats App group

This is a chat group to communicate Visits, requests for help, offers of transport, transport request, reporting sick family members and friends and general chats.

The Group, currently for an in-definite period, pray the Rosary every night at 8.00pm.  This is offered at the request of Pope Francis to help resolve the current world crisis. The Rosary is led by Brother Deacon Jim Byrne.

The Whats App Group is also used for prayers for the sick and lately dead by individual requests.

News posts also provided by members. 

Administration is via Brother John Williams, if you want to join, speak to John.

Circle Meetings and Functions Message Board

All St Helen’s Circle Meetings and Functions have been cancelled until further notice.

For details of Circle meetings and functions for all Circles on Merseyside,  Deeside,  Wirral and North Wales visit the Province 4 Catenian Website www.province4catenians.org.uk


St Helens Annual Programme 2020-2021


4th March – Wednesday, Circle Meeting & Ladies Post Circle

6th March – Friday , Vocations Mass (12.15pm), Holy Cross (Public Mass)

1st April – Wednesday,  Circle Meeting & Charter Dinner (Back Tie) cancelled.

6th May – Wednesday, AGM, Installations & Circle Meeting, Social, cancelled

3rd June – Wednesday, Circle Meeting & Ladies Post Circle Social

28th June – Sunday,  Presidents Mass followed by Social (details TBC)

1st July – Wednesday, Circle Meeting and Social

5th August – Wednesday,  Circle Meeting and Ladies Dinner

2nd September – Wednesday, Circle Meeting and  Social & International Marbles Competition

7th October – Circle Meeting & Ladies Post Circle Social

4th November –  Wednesday, 7 pm Mass for Deceased Brothers and Family, followed by Circle Meeting & Ladies Post Circle Social

28th November – Saturday, Ladies Night at Haydock Golf Club (Black Tie)

2nd December – Wednesday, Circle Meeting followed By Hot Pot Supper and Social


No Circle Meeting in January

18th January –  Monday, Clergy Dinner at Haydock Golf Club (Black Tie)

3rd February – Wednesday, Circle Meeting and Social

TBA February – Carmel College Public Speaking Competition

3rd March – Wednesday,  Circle Meeting and Social

5th March – Friday, Vocations Mass (12.15pm) Holy Cross (Public Mass)

7th April – Wednesday, Circle Meeting & Charter Dinner (Black Tie)

5th May – Wednesday, AGM, Installations, Circle Meeting & Social

Venue, unless stated, Unison Club, Bishop Road, St Helens, WA10 6SX

Through out the year there is a “Ladies Alternative”, organised by Lady President on Circle meeting days which do not have a Post Circle Ladies Social.

Can’t get to Mass?

If you are unable to get to Mass, especially with the restrictions caused by Coronavirus you could watch a Mass live on TV


Just click the link and you have a Mass or other information of interest to hand.

Another Link is from the Diocese of Shrewsbury who Broadcast Mass every Sunday at 0830, 1045, 1800 and a vigil at 1700, the link is;


If you have Sky TV there is a broadcast mass every day at noon on Channel 588 (EWTN))

Mass streamed from Our Lady Help of Christians Portico


Check on website for times of Masses streamed. Then click on to webcam page, select mass Click to go.