Bursary Fund
Province 4 Director Peter Rogers speaks of the inception, aims and benefits of the Catenian Bursary Fund.
The Bursary Fund
Since its inception some twenty four years ago the Bursary Fund has been a real success story and is a “Jewel in the Crown” of the Catenian Association.
Since its inception some twenty four years ago the Bursary Fund has been a real success story and is a “Jewel in the Crown” of the Catenian Association.
Several thousand young Catholic men and women between the age of sixteen and twenty five have been financially supported to enable them to carry out a variety of projects both in this country and world wide for the benefit of others. In the year 2011/2012 the Fund supported two hundred and forty projects distributing a total sum of £50,500
The Bursary Fund also provides financial support to those young workers who go on a pilgrimage to Lourdes and commit themselves totally to helping sick pilgrims.
During the year 2011/2012 five hundred and forty six young workers were supported at a total cost of £19,800
In any one year, over ten thousand young people study at Catholic Schools and Colleges at sixth form level and there are possibly double that number in University or even at work and many of these will aspire to participate in some kind of community project which will benefit others less well off than themselves but currently they do not apply for support from the Bursary Fund.
The Trustees aim over the next five years to raise the number of awards made to young Catholics by one hundred percent.
A concerted effort will be made to increase awareness about the Bursary Fund throughout the Association and by actively encouraging young Catholics to engage in projects that help others. The Fund, and in turn the Association will be helping them to become more secure in their own faith.
During this year, leaflets detailing the Bursary Fund have been sent to six hundred and fifty schools and colleges and in 2013 the Trustees will be meeting all Provincial Councils with the aim of raising awareness throughout all Circles in the Association.
The Bursary Fund is regulated in its aims by the Charity Commission and is totally supported by the Brothers of the Catenian Association and receives no external financial support from outside our Association.
It is therefore encumbent upon all Brothers to support the Fund and if all members of our Association pledge £10.00 per year and gift aid this donation then a sum of over £100,000 will be available to distribute to the applicants.
The Trustees meet every two months to review the applications received and three hundred and twenty three applications have been received to date in the period 1st April to 15th October 2012.
Interested in making a donation?
Peter Rogers